Review: ‘Guardians of the Valley: John Muir and the Friendship That...

By John Maxwell Hamilton (John Maxwell Hamilton is a former foreign correspondent and the Hopkins P. Breazeale Professor in Louisiana State University Manship School of...

Eating Habits That Will Change Your Life

Fad diets seem to be popping up in greater numbers these days. And yet, obesity levels have been on the rise globally, nearly tripling...

Here’s what the top emissions-cutting companies all have in common

Despite the controversy over proposed new rules to require public companies to report the carbon emissions of their supply chains and vendors, almost all...

America’s 25 Thriving Industries

As the world begins to grapple with the consequences of artificial intelligence technologies on the labor market, it is also interesting to look back...

The real reason some ESG funds outperform

(Mark Hulbert, an author and longtime investment columnist, is the founder of the Hulbert Financial Digest; his Hulbert Ratings audits investment newsletter returns.) CHAPEL HILL,...

The Most Common Nightmares Among Americans

Nightmares - terrifying or unsettling dreams, occurring most frequently during deep REM (rapid eye movement) sleep - are more common among children than adults,...

Why it still might take decades for EVs to achieve dominance...

(A native of England, veteran journalist Matthew Diebel has worked at NBC News, Time, USA Today and News Corp., among other organizations.) She’s almost 19...

Countries Most Worried About World War III

With the ongoing war in Ukraine and continuing tensions between China, Taiwan and the United States, global tensions may be at their highest point...

The silver lining in Europe’s energy crisis as brutal summer begins

In a month where the largest heatwave in memory hit Asia and Canadian wildfires are shutting down vast parts of Alberta and sending oil...

America’s 25 Dying Industries

The recent headline job numbers would appear to be positive. The economy added 253,000 jobs in April, and the unemployment rate fell from 3.5%...