States Where the Most People Were Displaced by Natural Disasters Last Year


To determine the states with the most people displaced by natural disasters in 2022, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey conducted between Dec. 9-19. We only included states where at least 1% of the population were displaced due to natural disasters at some point in the previous 52 weeks from when the survey ended and ranked them according to the percent of adults who were displaced.

Supplemental data came from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s most recent study on Billion Dollar Disasters in each state regarding the costs associated with these disasters and how many of these disasters occurred in each state. (Despite the name, not all of the disasters included in the NOAA’s report exceed $1 billion in damages, but they all dealt substantial infrastructure damage.) We also included some of the most prominent disasters of last year in each state, though these are not necessarily the disasters in the state that displaced the most people in the state in 2022.