America’s Most Popular Tourist Attractions, According to Data

Source: gageskidmore / Flickr

21. The White House
> People who have a positive opinion of it: 63%
> Location: District of Columbia

The official residence and workplace of the U.S. president is a symbol of executive power. Its historical significance and architectural beauty make it a national landmark.

Source: Andrew Bertuleit / iStock via Getty Images

20. Central Park
> People who have a positive opinion of it: 63%
> Location: New York

This verdant oasis in bustling New York City, serves as a vital communal space for recreation, culture, and nature appreciation. Its iconic status and history deeply influence urban park design worldwide.

Source: drnadig / E+ via Getty Images

19. The Capitol Building
> People who have a positive opinion of it: 63%
> Location: District of Columbia

Serving as the meeting place for the U.S. Congress, the Capitol Building is a symbol of American democracy. It plays a pivotal role in legislative processes and national ceremonies.

Source: Lady-Photo / iStock Editorial via Getty Images

18. American Museum of Natural History
> People who have a positive opinion of it: 65%
> Location: New York

The American Museum of Natural History is a renowned institution dedicated to exploring and interpreting human cultures, the natural world, and the cosmos. It’s significant for its vast collections, groundbreaking research, and educational programs.

Source: YayaErnst / iStock via Getty Images

17. Redwood National and State Parks
> People who have a positive opinion of it: 66%
> Location: California

These parks are prized for their ancient, towering redwood trees, some of the tallest and oldest living organisms on Earth. In addition, the parks’ diverse ecosystems, which include prairies, rivers, and coastline, support a wide range of plant and animal species, making them invaluable for conservation and ecological study.