Fastest-Growing (and Shrinking) Clean Energy Jobs

Clean energy is a growth industry, and increasingly so, but the COVID-19 pandemic year of 2020 saw the clean energy workforce shrink by 3.73%...

The 25 Countries Increasing Emissions the Fastest

The rewards of economic development are many: an increase in living standards, higher literacy rates, technological advances, longer lifespans, and greater wealth, among other...

The Average December Temperature in America’s Biggest Cities

While every year there is speculation about where in the U.S. there might be a white Christmas, increasingly in recent years expectations have been...

The 40 Countries Decreasing Emissions the Fastest

Nations around the world are answering the clarion call to cut greenhouse gas emissions in response to climate change. At the United Nations Glasgow climate...

Unusually Cold Days on the Rise in These American Towns

Temperature is the primary measure of climate change, usually described as the warming of the planet as average temperatures trend higher. Not just average...

Some good climate news for the holidays

By David Callaway, Callaway Climate Insights Regular readers of Callaway Climate Insights often ask how we can stand covering a subject so replete with bad news all...

Harley jumps thru closing SPAC window; plus soccer’s troubling footprint

By David Callaway, Callaway Climate Insights Will the last electric vehicle SPAC out the door please shut off the lights? That’s the reaction prompted by...

Investor’s guide to Build Back Better

By David Callaway, Callaway Climate Insights (Bill Sternberg is a veteran Washington journalist and former editorial page editor of USA Today.) WASHINGTON, D.C. (Callaway Climate Insights)...

The Rarest Types of Weather on Earth

Earth’s climate systems are extraordinarily complex, producing every moment of the day weather and climate conditions of all varieties. Predicting the weather even a...

The 22 Coldest Towns in North America

Spring is now underway across most of the United States. In the northern part of the country, snows are melting, and average high temperatures...