Most Dangerous Tourist Attractions on Earth

Source: miroslav_1 / iStock via Getty Images

Thousands of people enjoy thrilling vacation pastimes like white-water rafting, mountaineering, surfing, and scuba diving; and most of them make it home with a story and some great photographs. Unfortunately, however, some daring tourists lose their lives in tragic accidents at popular tourist attractions.

In order to find the most dangerous tourist attractions on Earth, 24/7 Tempo consulted travel sites and other media sources. We focused on places that tourists could reasonably get to – not mountains that require expert climbing or survival skills – and where accidents have been reported in the past. We did not include environmental disaster sites like Chernobyl or so-called “death roads” like Yungas Road in Bolivia.

Click here to read more about the most dangerous tourist attractions on Earth

Some of the most dangerous tourist attractions are beaches with an above average rate of shark attacks, or underwater caves where many cave divers are known to have drowned. Others are mountains with extreme weather or narrow paths and sheer drops where hikers have died due to hypothermia or falls. (These are America’s most dangerous beaches.)

Falls are also common as tourists attempt to take extreme selfies on cliff edges, and numerous attractions, including Hawksbill Crag in Arkansas and the Cliffs of Moher in Ireland, are known as common sites of accidental selfie deaths. (Read about the most preventable selfie deaths around the world.)