> Doomsday clock position: 2 minutes to midnight
> Nuclear tests: 0
The Bulletin’s Science and Security Board refers to the current world security situation as a “new abnormal,” adding, “This new abnormal is a pernicious and dangerous departure from the time when the United States sought a leadership role in designing and supporting global agreements that advanced a safer and healthier planet.”

> Doomsday clock position: 100 seconds to midnight
> Nuclear tests: 0
Another danger hovers over the planet. In early 2020, the WHO declares the spread of COVID-19 a pandemic. Schools turn to remote learning and most businesses shut down. More than 6.5 million would die of the disease in two and half years. The Bulletin moves the clock to its closest ever position to midnight, 100 seconds.

> Doomsday clock position: 100 seconds to midnight
> Nuclear tests: 0
In one of his first acts in office, President Joe Biden announces plans to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement.

> Doomsday clock position: 100 seconds to midnight
> Nuclear tests: 0
Russia President Vladimir Putin invades Ukraine, the first major battle on European soil after World War II. Putin turns up the heat by threatening the use of a nuclear bomb.