25. Amentum
> Arms sales; 2021: $5.0 billion* (approx. 78% of annual company revenue)
> 1-yr. change in arms sales (inflation adj.): +3.3%
> Company headquartered in: United States
> *Note: The arms sales figure for this company is an estimate with a high degree of uncertainty. Amentum is a spinoff of AECOM’s Management Services segment. It also bought Dyncorp International in November 2020. Amentum’s arms sales figure for 2020 is pro forma, i.e. it is the combined 2020 arms sales of AECOM and Dyncorp International.
24. Safran
> Arms sales; 2021: $5.0 billion (approx. 28% of annual company revenue)
> 1-yr. change in arms sales (inflation adj.): +5.9%
> Company headquartered in: France

23. Honeywell International
> Arms sales; 2021: $5.2 billion (approx. 15% of annual company revenue)
> 1-yr. change in arms sales (inflation adj.): -14.7%
> Company headquartered in: United States
22. Booz Allen Hamilton
> Arms sales; 2021: $5.6 billion (approx. 67% of annual company revenue)
> 1-yr. change in arms sales (inflation adj.): -2.4%
> Company headquartered in: United States

21. Peraton
> Arms sales; 2021: $5.8 billion* (approx. 83% of annual company revenue)
> 1-yr. change in arms sales (inflation adj.): +0.02%
> Company headquartered in: United States
> *Note: The arms sales figure for this company is an estimate with a high degree of uncertainty. Peraton acquired Perspecta and Northrop Grumman’s integrated mission support and IT solutions business in 2021. Its arms sales figure for 2020 is pro forma, i.e. it is the combined 2020 arms sales of Peraton, Perspecta and Northrup Grumman’s integrated mission support and IT solutions business.