The act of intentionally taking someone’s life is in direct violation of basic ethical principles, such as the right to life, respect for human dignity, and the prohibition of violence – and of course is punishable by law.
Factory farm operator
Professionals involved in factory farming practices that prioritize profit over animal welfare, leading to cramped and inhumane conditions for livestock, environmental degradation, and health risks for consumers, may be considered unethical.
Private military contractor
Private military contractors, also known as mercenaries, who provide military services for profit without being bound by the same legal and ethical obligations as official military personnel, raise serious ethical concerns regarding accountability, transparency, and adherence to international law.
For-profit prison owner
Professionals involved in the management and operation of for-profit prisons often prioritize profits over the well-being and rehabilitation of inmates, potentially leading to ethical concerns regarding incarceration policies and rehabilitation efforts.
Conflict mineral trader
Buying and selling so-called conflict diamonds and other conflict minerals – those sourced from regions plagued by armed combat and human rights abuses – are ethically guilty of indirectly supporting violence and contributing to the perpetuation of those conflicts and abuses.