8. Texas
> Land area in extreme or exceptional drought: 9.0%
> County with worst level of drought: Bexar County – 100.0% in extreme or exceptional drought
> Population living in extreme or exceptional drought: 2,701,997 — 2nd highest
> Total population, 2021: 29,527,941 — 2nd highest

7. Oregon
> Land area in extreme or exceptional drought: 32.1%
> County with worst level of drought: Crook County – 100.0% in extreme or exceptional drought
> Population living in extreme or exceptional drought: 259,549 — 8th highest
> Total population, 2021: 4,246,155 — 6th highest

6. Nebraska
> Land area in extreme or exceptional drought: 40.9%
> County with worst level of drought: Cedar County – 100.0% in extreme or exceptional drought
> Population living in extreme or exceptional drought: 229,843 — 9th highest
> Total population, 2021: 1,963,692 — 13th highest

5. Nevada
> Land area in extreme or exceptional drought: 45.9%
> County with worst level of drought: Nye County – 82.9% in extreme or exceptional drought
> Population living in extreme or exceptional drought: 423,649 — 7th highest
> Total population, 2021: 3,143,991 — 10th highest

4. California
> Land area in extreme or exceptional drought: 57.5%
> County with worst level of drought: Kings County – 100.0% in extreme or exceptional drought
> Population living in extreme or exceptional drought: 11,587,503 — the highest
> Total population, 2021: 39,237,836 — the highest