26. Noise Reducing Color Earbuds
> Retailer: 99 Cents Only Stores
> Brand/distributor: Momentum Brands
> Chemicals of concern: PVC components (>50% chlorine), ortho-phthalate plasticizer, 18.3% (183,000 ppm) lead in solder
Like many other earbuds sold at dollar stores, these contain chemicals of concern including PVC compounds, phthalate-based plasticizer, and lead in the solder.

27. Act II, Butter Lover Microwave Popcorn
> Retailer: 99 Cents Only Stores
> Brand/distributor: Act II
> Chemicals of concern: 473 ppm total fluorine (PFAS grease-proof coating present)
Act II’s Butter Lover Microwave Popcorn may be buttery, but it’ll also provide you with a dose of fluorine.

28. Summer Is Inside Tomato Paste
> Retailer: 99 Cents Only Stores
> Brand/distributor: Summer is Inside
> Chemicals of concern: PVC copolymer can coating
Summer may be inside this can of tomato paste, but there’s a PVC-based copolymer on the outside.

29. Polar Canned Sardines
> Retailer: 99 Cents Only Stores
> Brand/distributor: MW Polar Foods
> Chemicals of concern: BPA-based epoxy can coating
The can containing these sardines sold at 99 Cents Only Stores was coated with a BPA-based epoxy.

30. Libby’s Chicken Vienna Sausage
> Retailer: 99 Cents Only Stores
> Brand/distributor: Libby’s
> Chemicals of concern: PVC copolymer can coating
Libby’s is a very popular brand of Vienna sausages, but this can from 99 Cents Only Stores was coated with a PVC-based copolymer.