30. Kabul, Afghanistan
> Population density: 48,210 people per square mile
> Population: 5.1 million
> Built-up land area in city: 105 square miles
29. Bukavu, Dem. Rep. of the Congo
> Population density: 49,176 people per square mile
> Population: 836,000
> Built-up land area in city: 17 square miles
28. Tshikapa, Dem. Rep. of the Congo
> Population density: 49,462 people per square mile
> Population: 643,000
> Built-up land area in city: 13 square miles
27. Goma, Dem. Rep. of the Congo
> Population density: 49,560 people per square mile
> Population: 1.2 million
> Built-up land area in city: 25 square miles
26. Yaounde, Cameroon
> Population density: 50,159 people per square mile
> Population: 4.4 million
> Built-up land area in city: 88 square miles