The Most Dangerous Volcanoes in the United States

Source: CStorz / iStock via Getty Images

16. Mauna Loa, Hawaii
> Overall threat score: 131
> Population within 30 km (approx. 18 miles): 1,906
> Population within 100 km (approx. 30 miles): 175,315
> Most recent eruption year: 1984

Source: stupiddingo / Flickr

15. Glacier Peak, Washington
> Overall threat score: 135
> Population within 30 km (approx. 18 miles): 23
> Population within 100 km (approx. 30 miles): 1,340,896
> Most recent eruption year: 1700

Source: GlovTech / E+ via Getty Images

14. Mount Baker, Washington
> Overall threat score: 139
> Population within 30 km (approx. 18 miles): 8,568
> Population within 100 km (approx. 30 miles): 1,990,504
> Most recent eruption year: 1880

Source: traveler1116 / iStock via Getty Images

13. Newberry Volcano, Oregon
> Overall threat score: 146
> Population within 30 km (approx. 18 miles): 16,437
> Population within 100 km (approx. 30 miles): 180,091
> Most recent eruption year: 690

Source: brytta / E+ via Getty Images

12. Augustine Volcano, Cook Inlet, Alaska
> Overall threat score: 151
> Population within 30 km (approx. 18 miles): Not available
> Population within 100 km (approx. 30 miles): 759
> Most recent eruption year: 2006