45. Bulgaria
> CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita, 2020: 4.96
> CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita, 2010: 5.94 — #49 highest of 147 countries
> CO2 emissions per GDP, 2020: 0.24 — #46 highest of 148 countries
> Total GHG emissions, million metric tons, 2019: No data
Bulgaria was in the top third of nations generating CO2 emissions per GDP in 2020. Air pollution is a big concern in the nation of nearly 7 million people, as it is in most nations in Eastern Europe. Renewable energy accounts for 19% of Bulgaria’s energy usage.

44. Kosovo
> CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita, 2020: 4.98
> CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita, 2010: 4.91 — #60 highest of 147 countries
> CO2 emissions per GDP, 2020: 0.47 — #13 highest of 148 countries
> Total GHG emissions, million metric tons, 2019: No data
This Balkan nation of 1.8 million had the 13th-highest level of CO2 emissions per GDP in 2020. Fossil fuels account for 97% of Kosovo’s electricity usage. Air pollution from power plants and lignite mines hurt the nation’s health.

43. Belarus
> CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita, 2020: 5.89
> CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita, 2010: 6.27 — #46 highest of 147 countries
> CO2 emissions per GDP, 2020: 0.31 — #29 highest of 148 countries
> Total GHG emissions, million metric tons, 2019: No data
A landlocked neighbor to Russia, Belarus was in the top fifth of countries generating CO2 emissions per GDP in 2020. The nation of 9.4 million is trying to diversify its energy mix, developing nuclear power and moving away from natural-gas consumption. Fossil fuels account for 96% of its electricity use.

42. Serbia
> CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita, 2020: 6.26
> CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita, 2010: 6.32 — #45 highest of 147 countries
> CO2 emissions per GDP, 2020: 0.36 — #22 highest of 148 countries
> Total GHG emissions, million metric tons, 2019: No data
This Balkan nation of 6.9 million was in the top sixth of all countries generating CO2 emissions per GDP in 2020. Serbia has a plan to shift to renewable energy sources. Air pollution is a major problem in cities such as Belgrade. Fossil fuels account for 65% of the nation’s energy needs.

41. Israel
> CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita, 2020: 6.29
> CO2 emissions, metric tons per capita, 2010: 8.98 — #26 highest of 147 countries
> CO2 emissions per GDP, 2020: 0.17 — #72 highest of 148 countries
> Total GHG emissions, million metric tons, 2020: 59.34 — #43 lowest of 87 countries
Israel aimed to have 10% of its electricity generated from renewable energy in 2020. Solar thermal and photovoltaic power plants were forecast to generate 70% of total energy production for the nation of 9.2 million.