States Producing the Most Electricity From Renewable Sources

Source: lucentius / iStock Unreleased via Getty Images

10. California
> Electricity from renewables, 2020: 42.6% of total (82.2 million MWh)
> 10-yr. change in share of renewable energy: +13.7 ppt. (15th highest)
> Largest renewable energy source: Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic (30.3 million MWh)
> Largest non-renewable energy source: Natural Gas (92 million MWh)

Source: BergmannD / iStock via Getty Images

9. Kansas
> Electricity from renewables, 2020: 44.2% of total (24.1 million MWh)
> 10-yr. change in share of renewable energy: +37.0 ppt. (3rd highest)
> Largest renewable energy source: Wind (24 million MWh)
> Largest non-renewable energy source: Coal (17 million MWh)

Source: Jon Bilous / iStock via Getty Images

8. Montana
> Electricity from renewables, 2020: 59.4% of total (13.9 million MWh)
> 10-yr. change in share of renewable energy: +24.4 ppt. (6th highest)
> Largest renewable energy source: Hydroelectric Conventional (10.7 million MWh)
> Largest non-renewable energy source: Coal (8.5 million MWh)

Source: dangarneau / iStock via Getty Images

7. Iowa
> Electricity from renewables, 2020: 59.4% of total (35.4 million MWh)
> 10-yr. change in share of renewable energy: +41.5 ppt. (2nd highest)
> Largest renewable energy source: Wind (34.2 million MWh)
> Largest non-renewable energy source: Coal (14.1 million MWh)

Source: Bobbushphoto / iStock via Getty Images

6. Oregon
> Electricity from renewables, 2020: 67.5% of total (42.9 million MWh)
> 10-yr. change in share of renewable energy: +3.4 ppt. (12th lowest)
> Largest renewable energy source: Hydroelectric Conventional (31.9 million MWh)
> Largest non-renewable energy source: Natural Gas (19 million MWh)