Atlantic Sturgeon
>Number of mature species members left: 20-750
>Natural habitat: Wetlands, marine neritic zone
>Geographic range: European coastlines, waterways
>Number of mature species members left: 75-1,050
>Natural habitat: Forest
>Geographic range: Laos, Vietnam

Source: bigworld / iStock via Getty Images
African Wild donkey
>Number of mature species members left: 23-200
>Natural habitat: Shrubland, grassland
>Geographic range: Eritrea, Ethiopia

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
>Number of mature species members left: 18
>Natural habitat: Marine neritic and oceanic zones
>Geographic range: Mexico

Source: Courtesy of Turtle Survival Alliance via Facebook
Burmese Roofed Turtle
>Number of mature species members left: 10
>Natural habitat: Wetlands
>Geographic range: Myanmar