Source: Frank Fichtmüller / iStock via Getty Images
Vancouver Island Marmot
>Number of mature species members left: 90
>Natural habitat: Forest, grassland, rocky areas
>Geographic range: British Columbia
Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey
>Number of mature species members left: 80-100
>Natural habitat: Forest
>Geographic range: Vietnam

Source: ePhotocorp / iStock via Getty Images
Jerdon’s Courser
>Number of mature species members left: 50-249
>Natural habitat: Shrubland
>Geographic range: India

Source: tahir abbas / iStock via Getty Images
Sâo Tomé Grosbeak
>Number of mature species members left: 50-249
>Natural habitat: Forest
>Geographic range: Sâo Tomé and Principe
Royal Cinclodes
>Number of mature species members left: 50-249
>Natural habitat: Forest, Wetlands
>Geographic range: Peru