46. Service industry is boss
According to the latest BLS report, 108 million people (71% of nonfarm payroll employees) were employed in the service sector.

47. Native American influence
More than half of the states — 26 — have names with native American origins.

48. Hurricanes
The United States, with its extensive coastline, has had more hurricanes (close to 300) since 1851 than any other country, according to data from the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.

49. Americans love hot dogs
Americans bought 871.8 million pounds or about $2.3 billion worth of hot dogs in supermarkets in 2019. Los Angeles is top dog for franks, consuming about 30 million pounds a year.

50. Belief in God
A Pew Research Center study conducted from 2011 to 2013 found that about 54% of Americans said religion was very important in their lives, compared with 24% of people in Canada, 21% in Australia, and 21% in Germany.