Just as we seem to be putting the pandemic behind us, we’re getting hit with elevated levels of inflation and the possibility of a recession. Those headwinds might suppress the rekindled travel fires of adventurers, who’ve been prevented by Covid-19 from visiting some of the world’s most desirable destinations.
The benefits of travel are many. It ties the world together, promotes greater cultural understanding, and offers a shared experience. It also supports as many 120 million direct tourism jobs all over the world, according to the World Tourism Organization, and provides significant portions of the gross domestic product for many countries.
One lure for travelers is the chance to see some of the world’s most famous landmarks – whether man-made or natural – for themselves. To compile a list of the 25 most popular landmarks in the world, 24/7 Tempo reviewed the results of a report from Bounce, a luggage storage app that also frequently analyzes data around various travel topics.
Bounce evaluated data on 125 worldwide landmarks, measuring their annual visitors, annual Google search volume, TripAdvisor ratings, and Instagram posts, as well as average ticket price and annual ticket revenue to determine the 25 around the world that people love the most. (Here are some natural landmarks already damaged or destroyed by climate change.)
Click here to see the 25 most famous landmarks around the world
Seven of the landmarks on the list are free to visitors. On the other hand, the most-visited destination, the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai – also the world’s tallest building at 2,716 feet – boasts the highest ticket price. It’s also the most-searched landmark on Google. But it’s not the most popular landmark overall. That distinction goes to a destination long associated with romance and honeymooners – Niagara Falls. (Here are some early photographs of the world’s most famous landmarks.)